Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So, yesterday, I rode my bike to work. That wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't so long. After MapQuesing it later, I found out it was 10.3 miles. I figured it was between 6-10 miles but my thought was, "I used to do that all the time!" I should also tell you that "used to" was about 12-13 years ago when I was a teenager immersed into high school sports. Call it my ego, bullheadedness or whatever you want, I knew I could do it.

I started out at 6am only to find out halfway down my street that my back tire was flat. Of course, it could have been that with the 235 pounds that was mounted on it, it was crying out for help! Not sure which... Either way, I turned around, found my pump, pumped it up and I was off to conquer this farmland on 2 wheels like so many Mennonite and Amish do around here.

1/8 of the way into the trip, (Mind you, I hadn't even made it out of Ephrata) the thought flashed through my mind that I was going to die. I had visions of someone picking my limp body off the side of the road while an Amishman snikered as he rode past on his Huffy. Then I thanked God for good health coverage and pushed on.

1/2 way through it I thought about making deals with God as if He would give me super human strength or something in exchange for a few more minutes of reading the Bible. I kinda felt guilty about that one knowing I needed to do that anyway so I just asked Him to give me the strength and courage I would need to accomplish my goal.

On the last leg I felt proud of myself. I was almost there! :) Just a few more miles... Then came the hill! This is one of those hills that just incline and curve sharply at the same time. No lie, 1/2 way up it tears, tears folks, formed in my eyes. I was hurting all over but was to prideful and bullheaded to quit. I even thought that very thought as I made it to the top of it. "You got this. You can make it. You're too hard headed not to!"

I eventually made it to work after almost an hour and a half only to realize 2 things: 1) I am not a teenager anymore! 2) The Amish and Mennonites are some tough people!

Being 30 hasn't been all that bad for me yet but I am beggining to learn my limitations. I rode home that nite and had a much better time. Of course, it was downhill for the majority of the trip home. :) Asked about how I felt this morning though... 1 word - OUCH!

Much Luv,

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