Monday, July 21, 2008

I love the 80's... and shoes!

Well, I actually didn't love the 80's but hey, there was some gr8 music and there was the Cabbage Patch Kids. My little buddy, Ivan the astronaut, got me through some rough nites. I still remember when that Van Halen album came out. The one with the baby angel smoking a Marlboro. Yeah, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about!

Seriously though, at Calvary, we are in the middle of a sermon series called, "I love the 80's". It is based on the Psalms in the 80's. I guess it's the number that has stuck with me today cause I don't remember much of the sermon series. It's not that Stac is boring or anything, it's just that I have been checking out the Phyrst Church lately.

Jeremiah Kingshipp came up with the idea to have church in a Irish bar called the Phyrst while the bar is open for patronage. What an awesome thing! I remember leading worship there for the first time thinking, "I could go get a beer during the message if I wanted to!" I still haven't been able to shake that one.

My point is, last week Jeremiah talked about excess. Boy was I convicted! My excess is shoes. I have so many pairs of shoes it makes most women balk. I felt God telling me that I needed to give them away. For the first time, in a long time, I chose to listen to Him. I packed them up and gave them away.

We have a mission trip leaving tomorrow for Rwanda. Without going into too much detail, I approached the owner of Rapid Transit Sports last week about donating shoes to this trip. This wonderful man agreed to do so simply asking how many we could take. I made some phone calls to my 3 foot tall Egyptian friend (36 to be exact! I couldn't get a hold of her but needed an answer.) When Lo called me back, after much delay (prolly cause I was a goof ball in calling her so often), we decided we would shoot for 6 per person. We have a 12 person team. Thats 72 pairs of shoes! By the grace of God we were told yes, we could have that many.

I went this morning to pick up the shoes. Man was it early too! We filled 6 boxes as Terry (the owner of Rapid Transit) asked me how many we had packed. I counted and we had 80 pairs of brand new, top of the line, running shoes. We were given all sizes ranging from women's 6 to men's 12.

It thought about the number for a minute and said to myself, "I love the 80's!" As I think about it now I feel a gentle nudge from my Savior telling me, "See what I can do when you trust Me and listen?"

I have to be honest, I haven't done much of that lately. My life in the past year or so has been marred with stupidity, not trusting Him in many ways. It's been only recently where I have stepped out in faith and started to trust Him. I'm glad I did. Once again, He proves to be faithful to one such as me.

Much luv ya'll,

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